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Sustainability in Digital Business: A Future Perspective


The digital revolution is transforming the way businesses operate, and with that transformation comes the question of sustainability. From energy usage to waste management, digital businesses have a significant impact on the environment and societies. Therefore, it's critical to examine how these businesses can adopt sustainable practices.

Digitalization and Energy Consumption

A significant aspect of sustainability in digital business revolves around energy usage. Many digital businesses rely on data centers, which consume vast amounts of electricity. According to a study by Andrae and Edler (2015), without checks on their growth, data centers could account for one-fifth of the world's electricity consumption by 2025. Hence, businesses must seek energy-efficient solutions, like improving server utilization, employing energy-efficient cooling techniques, or using renewable energy sources for their data centers.

E-Waste Management

The lifecycle of digital products also contributes to environmental impact. The rapid pace of technological innovation often leads to frequent device upgrades, contributing to the growing e-waste problem. According to Balde et al. (2017), approximately 44.7 million metric tonnes of e-waste were generated globally in 2016. Thus, businesses need to consider product lifecycle management, encourage recycling, and design products for longer use.

Digital Businesses as Sustainability Enablers

Despite the challenges, digital businesses also have the potential to be key enablers of sustainability. Technologies like IoT, AI, and blockchain can aid in efficient resource management, reduce emissions, and promote transparency in supply chains (Kshetri, 2018). Thus, businesses should strive to leverage these technologies to enhance their sustainability practices.

Ethical Considerations

Finally, sustainability is not just about environmental impact; it also involves social responsibility. Digital businesses must ensure ethical considerations are at the forefront, such as respecting user privacy, promoting inclusivity, and maintaining transparent business practices (Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016).

In conclusion, sustainability in digital business is multifaceted, covering energy consumption, waste management, the role of technology as a sustainability enabler, and ethical considerations. By addressing these areas, digital businesses can significantly contribute to global sustainability goals.


  • Andrae, A. S., & Edler, T. (2015). On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030. Challenges, 6(1), 117-157.

  • Balde, C.P., Forti V., Gray, V., Kuehr, R., Stegmann,P. (2017). The Global E-waste Monitor – 2017, United Nations University (UNU), International Telecommunication Union (ITU) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), Bonn/Geneva/Vienna.

  • Kshetri, N. (2018). 1 Blockchain’s roles in meeting key supply chain management objectives. International Journal of Information Management, 39, 80-89.

  • Tapscott, D., & Tapscott, A. (2016). Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World. Penguin.